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Print/Document Design  |  Oxford County Project

 Oxford County's Strategic Plan Progress Report was given to me in a large text document, and I was tasked with reframing the information and displaying it in a way that would be easy to consume and understand by the general public, both within the Oxford County area and outside of it.


During my time working here, I have worked on various projects for all of the departments and areas of Oxford County, as well as for Southwestern Public Health, the newly merged Oxford County Public Health and Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Units. My work at Oxford County focuses on visual design, while I also help to develop social media messaging and website updates.


My design work includes:

  • document revisions and edits

  • writing news releases

  • designing and creating print and online ads

  • designing and creating graphics

Graphics (excluding the Oxford County logo) were created by myself, and document layouts are my own design.

  • designing and creating project/event flyers, postcards, brochures, posters

  • designing and creating infographics

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